Friday, May 14, 2010

Jack and the Beanstalk: the Beginning

Surely this is when Jack's story started to get interesting: those beans started to grow!  And this is when our Fairy Tale Garden* starts to get interesting, too.  I didn't have to trade a cow (not that I own one to trade), because most of these beans were given to my by my father, who grows pole beans around his swimming pool.
Our Fairy Tale Garden will hopefully be full of many magical story elements by summer: beanstalks for Jack, orange pumpkins for Cinderella, giant sunflowers for the wondrous effect they create, and purple cabbages to represent that mythical cabbage patch where all children are told they were found (all my children, anyway).
*Our Fairy Tale Garden is different from the Fairy Garden, which is another magical place found here.


  1. I love the idea of a magical garden. I love those toadstool seats in the picture from the little "room" amidst the circle of trees. We keep talking about planting a garden but never seem to find the time to do it. Stopping by from SITS.

  2. Hey there! Visiting from SITS and I love how you refer to it as your Fairy Tale Garden! I have three children myself who help and are amazed by the process but make a connection with the stories mention in your post!! Magical :)


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